Companies that deal with sensitive information daily are not enough to store essential files in a secure storage facility. Document accumulation in an office environment often leads to countless problems that can be solved with the simple solution of document shredding.

Reasons why document shredding is so important

Let’s take a brief look at why shredders are so important and why many companies use document shredding companies to ensure proper disposal.

Properly shredding files is very important to doing business. Federal and state law requires organizations to process data properly. Companies are interested in keeping business information private and protecting sensitive data.

Many customers are also worried about the theft of personal information. Mishandling sensitive information can be costly, time-consuming, and confusing to your organization.

  1. Prevents identity theft

Last year’s data shows that there have been more than a record 174,000 personal information thefts, most of them online. It is a 125% increase in 10 years. That includes online shopping, insurance scams, phone scams, and more that we’ve all encountered.

However, one long-standing way to trick criminals into obtaining information is corporate junk. They found files that should have been destroyed, containing information that allowed them to steal identities. In this case, companies are trying to make it happen.

  1. Protect your customers

Based on the above, it is essential to do everything possible to protect the customer’s identity. You shouldn’t write down your credit card details, but it’s necessary to destroy them immediately if you do. The same goes for documents that contain sensitive customer information.

  1. It’s a Legal Requirement

The company protects the privacy and confidentiality of its employees and customers by law. Hard copies containing personal data are stored in a database, locked, and easier to access than password-protected personal data. Therefore, it is always important to keep these files out of the hands of malicious people.

Failure to comply with the privacy regulations set by the government will result in penalties. That could be as much as 4% of global annual sales.

  1. Convenience

There is nothing more inconvenient than shredding documents with an office shredder. Secure shredding service eliminates the need to remove staples or paper clips from your document before inserting them into the shredder.

Shredding service providers strategically deploy shredder collection bins across the office for fast document shredding. Safe collection containers are collected daily, weekly, monthly or quarterly, depending on the amount of information your business needs to destroy. Then shred your documents in a security management process.

What Types of Documents Should we Shred?

Are you wondering what type of file you need to shred? Here are some of the files that need to be destroyed:

There is a lot to do before shredding. Make sure you don’t have to archive specific documents for years. Chop it when you no longer need to keep it.

If you need to throw out paperless documents, you can also find a paper shredder. Robust paper shredders are available for shredding CDs, DVDs, memory sticks, etc. Having a sturdy shredder in your office can help meet the needs of larger shredders.

When and how files are destroyed directly influences your vulnerability to identity theft and corporate fraud. A-1’s certified professional shredder service provides peace of mind knowing that your documents have been entirely and verifiably destroyed.

We provide secure document shredding and media destruction services to businesses. For further details contact us at right now!
