a timer sitting on a desk with a a stack of paper and a pen

Before we can dive into whether or not you’d benefit from a purge shredding day, it can be helpful to first define what we mean by purge shredding. Unlike a scheduled paper shredding, regardless of whether it’s done in a mobile truck or at a secure facility, purge shredding is usually only requested (or required) once or a few times a year. Purge shredding works by quickly and efficiently destroying a large number of files in an extraordinarily short period of time, saving hours of manual sorting, processing, and removal.

If you’re reading this, you probably already suspect that it might be time to quit fighting a mountain of paper and utilize the services of a purge shredding company. However, there are five signs that definitively indicate that purge shredding wouldn’t just benefit you and your business, but would actively improve your day-to-day.

1. The amount of paper you collect over time makes it hard to properly manage.

If your business doesn’t go through pages and pages of information the way other companies might, then it’s easy to be surprised by what accumulates over time. Client records, pay stubs, and old information from years ago has a way of sticking around your filing cabinet, and by the time you realize it’s still there, you might already be in need of more storage space or a good way to discard it.

If the papers in question contain personal or confidential information, there may be laws that require its destruction in a specific way. But when most off-the-shelf shredders only cut into large spaghetti-like strips, who has the time to go through and properly cross-cut those remnants with scissors? A purge shredding service makes dealing with those documents – no matter how many there are – fast and easy. Many companies don’t even ask you to remove staples or rubber bands, since those will just be sorted out from the paper particles upon completion.

2. You can’t afford to run the risk of improper information disposal.

Data breaches – even those of the paper variety – are expensive in more ways than one. Monetarily, they can cost as much as $242 per exposed record. In terms of reputation and community standing, the damage can be much greater and can take years to recover from. 

If you’re not willing to entertain the chance of your old papers being fished out from the public dump, then a purge shredding service is the ideal answer. You’ll be able to watch in real-time as each and every leaf is shredded, right there on location, leaving no opportunity for theft. Afterward, the pieces will be removed for secure recycling, adding yet another layer of protection for your information.

3. You aren’t comfortable discarding papers on your own.

We’re asked all the time if it isn’t possible for a company to just shred their own papers. Our answer is yes, but with several caveats. The first is that it usually takes way more time and money to shred in-house than it does to hire a professional company. The second is that it necessarily eats up the time of at least one employee, which equates to lost productivity. 

The last, and arguably most important, is that there’s no guarantee you’ll destroy the papers to the satisfaction of the legal requirements that mandate their disposal. A purge shredding service has already done all the legwork to operate in full compliance with state and federal regulations, which means you don’t have to worry about them.

4. You want to improve your company’s standard of data security.

Properly discarding sensitive information isn’t just a good business practice. It can actually improve the perceived quality of the service you provide. When your customers understand that you take the responsibility of protecting their information seriously, they become more comfortable with the idea of working with you again in the future. Purge shredding helps you today, and it introduces your business to a new standard of data security that both your employees and your customers can be proud of.

5. You’re keeping files you don’t need in a space that you do need.

If you’re not required to keep those old papers, then why are they still taking up space that could be used for other endeavors? We have many clients express relief at getting rid of the old documents without really having a reason for why they’d been kept so long in the first place, other than uncertainty as to how to get rid of them. Trust that task to a purge shredding service and take back the storage room.


Ready to Make the Call?

A-1 Shredding is locally owned and operated, and proudly supplies the state of Arizona with certified, reliable shredding services. No matter whether you’re a corporation, small startup, or local resident, we have a service ready to handle your shredding job. If you’d like more information on our purge shredding services, give us a call at (602) 759-5103. You can also contact us online.
